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Dir : /home/trave494/ |
Server: Linux 4.18.0-553.22.1.lve.1.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Oct 8 15:52:54 UTC 2024 x86_64 IP: |
Dir : /home/trave494/ |
<?php /* Plugin Name: WP-Cumulus Plugin URI: Description: Flash based Tag Cloud for WordPress Version: 1.23 Author: Roy Tanck Author URI: Copyright 2009, Roy Tanck This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ // check for WP context if ( !defined('ABSPATH') ){ die(); } //initially set the options function wp_cumulus_install () { $newoptions = get_option('wpcumulus_options'); $newoptions['width'] = '550'; $newoptions['height'] = '375'; $newoptions['tcolor'] = 'ffffff'; $newoptions['tcolor2'] = 'ffffff'; $newoptions['hicolor'] = 'ffffff'; $newoptions['bgcolor'] = '333333'; $newoptions['speed'] = '100'; $newoptions['trans'] = 'false'; $newoptions['distr'] = 'true'; $newoptions['args'] = ''; $newoptions['compmode'] = 'false'; $newoptions['showwptags'] = 'true'; $newoptions['mode'] = 'tags'; add_option('wpcumulus_options', $newoptions); // widget options $widgetoptions = get_option('wpcumulus_widget'); $newoptions['width'] = '160'; $newoptions['height'] = '160'; $newoptions['tcolor'] = '333333'; $newoptions['tcolor2'] = '333333'; $newoptions['hicolor'] = '000000'; $newoptions['bgcolor'] = 'ffffff'; $newoptions['speed'] = '100'; $newoptions['trans'] = 'false'; $newoptions['distr'] = 'true'; $newoptions['args'] = ''; $newoptions['mode'] = 'tags'; add_option('wpcumulus_widget', $newoptions); } // add the admin page function wp_cumulus_add_pages() { add_options_page('WP Cumulus', 'WP Cumulus', 8, __FILE__, 'wp_cumulus_options'); } // replace tag in content with tag cloud (non-shortcode version for WP 2.3.x) function wp_cumulus_init($content){ if( strpos($content, '[WP-CUMULUS]') === false ){ return $content; } else { $code = wp_cumulus_createflashcode(false); $content = str_replace( '[WP-CUMULUS]', $code, $content ); return $content; } } // template function function wp_cumulus_insert( $atts=NULL ){ echo wp_cumulus_createflashcode( false, $atts ); } // shortcode function function wp_cumulus_shortcode( $atts=NULL ){ return wp_cumulus_createflashcode( false, $atts ); } // piece together the flash code function wp_cumulus_createflashcode( $widget=false, $atts=NULL ){ // get the options if( $widget == true ){ $options = get_option('wpcumulus_widget'); $soname = "widget_so"; $divname = "wpcumuluswidgetcontent"; // get compatibility mode variable from the main options $mainoptions = get_option('wpcumulus_options'); $options['compmode'] = $mainoptions['compmode']; $options['showwptags'] = $mainoptions['showwptags']; } else if( $atts != NULL ){ $options = shortcode_atts( get_option('wpcumulus_options'), $atts ); $soname = "shortcode_so"; $divname = "wpcumuluscontent"; } else { $options = get_option('wpcumulus_options'); $soname = "so"; $divname = "wpcumuluscontent"; } // get the tag cloud... if( $options['mode'] != "cats" ){ ob_start(); wp_tag_cloud( $options['args'] ); $tagcloud = urlencode( str_replace( " ", " ", ob_get_clean() ) ); } // get categories if( $options['mode'] != "tags" ){ ob_start(); wp_list_categories('title_li=&show_count=1&hierarchical=0&style=none'); $cats = urlencode( ob_get_clean() ); } // get some paths if( function_exists('plugins_url') ){ // 2.6 or better $movie = plugins_url('wp-cumulus/tagcloud.swf'); $path = plugins_url('wp-cumulus/'); } else { // pre 2.6 $movie = get_bloginfo('wpurl') . "/wp-content/plugins/wp-cumulus/tagcloud.swf"; $path = get_bloginfo('wpurl')."/wp-content/plugins/wp-cumulus/"; } // add random seeds to so name and movie url to avoid collisions and force reloading (needed for IE) $soname .= rand(0,9999999); $movie .= '?r=' . rand(0,9999999); $divname .= rand(0,9999999); // write flash tag if( $options['compmode']!='true' ){ $flashtag = '<!-- SWFObject embed by Geoff Stearns -->'; $flashtag .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$path.'swfobject.js"></script>'; $flashtag .= '<div id="'.$divname.'">'; if( $options['showwptags'] == 'true' ){ $flashtag .= '<p>'; } else { $flashtag .= '<p style="display:none;">'; }; // alternate content if( $options['mode'] != "cats" ){ $flashtag .= urldecode($tagcloud); } if( $options['mode'] != "tags" ){ $flashtag .= urldecode($cats); } $flashtag .= '</p><p>WP Cumulus Flash tag cloud by <a href="" rel="nofollow">Roy Tanck</a> requires <a href="">Flash Player</a> 9 or better.</p></div>'; $flashtag .= '<script type="text/javascript">'; $flashtag .= 'var '.$soname.' = new SWFObject("'.$movie.'", "tagcloudflash", "'.$options['width'].'", "'.$options['height'].'", "9", "#'.$options['bgcolor'].'");'; if( $options['trans'] == 'true' ){ $flashtag .= $soname.'.addParam("wmode", "transparent");'; } $flashtag .= $soname.'.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "always");'; $flashtag .= $soname.'.addVariable("tcolor", "0x'.$options['tcolor'].'");'; $flashtag .= $soname.'.addVariable("tcolor2", "0x' . ($options['tcolor2'] == "" ? $options['tcolor'] : $options['tcolor2']) . '");'; $flashtag .= $soname.'.addVariable("hicolor", "0x' . ($options['hicolor'] == "" ? $options['tcolor'] : $options['hicolor']) . '");'; $flashtag .= $soname.'.addVariable("tspeed", "'.$options['speed'].'");'; $flashtag .= $soname.'.addVariable("distr", "'.$options['distr'].'");'; $flashtag .= $soname.'.addVariable("mode", "'.$options['mode'].'");'; // put tags in flashvar if( $options['mode'] != "cats" ){ $flashtag .= $soname.'.addVariable("tagcloud", "'.urlencode('<tags>') . $tagcloud . urlencode('</tags>').'");'; } // put categories in flashvar if( $options['mode'] != "tags" ){ $flashtag .= $soname.'.addVariable("categories", "' . $cats . '");'; } $flashtag .= $soname.'.write("'.$divname.'");'; $flashtag .= '</script>'; } else { $flashtag = '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="'.$movie.'" width="'.$options['width'].'" height="'.$options['height'].'">'; $flashtag .= '<param name="movie" value="'.$movie.'" />'; $flashtag .= '<param name="bgcolor" value="#'.$options['bgcolor'].'" />'; $flashtag .= '<param name="AllowScriptAccess" value="always" />'; if( $options['trans'] == 'true' ){ $flashtag .= '<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />'; } $flashtag .= '<param name="flashvars" value="'; $flashtag .= 'tcolor=0x'.$options['tcolor']; $flashtag .= '&tcolor2=0x'.$options['tcolor2']; $flashtag .= '&hicolor=0x'.$options['hicolor']; $flashtag .= '&tspeed='.$options['speed']; $flashtag .= '&distr='.$options['distr']; $flashtag .= '&mode='.$options['mode']; // put tags in flashvar if( $options['mode'] != "cats" ){ $flashtag .= '&tagcloud='.urlencode('<tags>') . $tagcloud . urlencode('</tags>'); } // put categories in flashvar if( $options['mode'] != "tags" ){ $flashtag .= '&categories=' . $cats; } $flashtag .= '" />'; // alternate content if( $options['mode'] != "cats" ){ $flashtag .= '<p>'.urldecode($tagcloud).'</p>'; } if( $options['mode'] != "tags" ){ $flashtag .= '<p>'.urldecode($cats).'</p>'; } $flashtag .= '<p>WP-Cumulus by <a href="" rel="nofollow">Roy Tanck</a> requires <a href="">Flash Player</a> 9 or better.</p>'; $flashtag .= '</object>'; } return $flashtag; } // options page function wp_cumulus_options() { $options = $newoptions = get_option('wpcumulus_options'); // if submitted, process results if ( $_POST["wpcumulus_submit"] ) { $newoptions['width'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["width"])); $newoptions['height'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["height"])); $newoptions['tcolor'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["tcolor"])); $newoptions['tcolor2'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["tcolor2"])); $newoptions['hicolor'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["hicolor"])); $newoptions['bgcolor'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["bgcolor"])); $newoptions['trans'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["trans"])); $newoptions['speed'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["speed"])); $newoptions['distr'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["distr"])); $newoptions['mode'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["mode"])); $newoptions['args'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["args"])); $newoptions['compmode'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["compmode"])); $newoptions['showwptags'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["showwptags"])); } // any changes? save! if ( $options != $newoptions ) { $options = $newoptions; update_option('wpcumulus_options', $options); } // options form echo '<form method="post">'; echo "<div class=\"wrap\"><h2>Display options</h2>"; echo '<table class="form-table">'; // width echo '<tr valign="top"><th scope="row">Width of the Flash tag cloud</th>'; echo '<td><input type="text" name="width" value="'.$options['width'].'" size="5"></input><br />Width in pixels (500 or more is recommended)</td></tr>'; // height echo '<tr valign="top"><th scope="row">Height of the Flash tag cloud</th>'; echo '<td><input type="text" name="height" value="'.$options['height'].'" size="5"></input><br />Height in pixels (ideally around 3/4 of the width)</td></tr>'; // text color echo '<tr valign="top"><th scope="row">Color of the tags</th>'; echo '<td><input type="text" name="tcolor" value="'.$options['tcolor'].'" size="8"></input> Optional second color for gradient: <input type="text" name="tcolor2" value="'.$options['tcolor2'].'" size="8"></input> Optional highlighl color: <input type="text" name="hicolor" value="'.$options['hicolor'].'" size="8"></input><br />These should be 6 character hex color values without the # prefix (000000 for black, ffffff for white)</td></tr>'; // background color echo '<tr valign="top"><th scope="row">Background color</th>'; echo '<td><input type="text" name="bgcolor" value="'.$options['bgcolor'].'" size="8"></input><br />6 character hex color value</td></tr>'; // transparent echo '<tr valign="top"><th scope="row">Use transparent mode</th>'; echo '<td><input type="checkbox" name="trans" value="true"'; if( $options['trans'] == "true" ){ echo ' checked="checked"'; } echo '></input><br />Switches on Flash\'s wmode-transparent setting</td></tr>'; // speed echo '<tr valign="top"><th scope="row">Rotation speed</th>'; echo '<td><input type="text" name="speed" value="'.$options['speed'].'" size="8"></input><br />Speed (percentage, default is 100)</td></tr>'; // distribution echo '<tr valign="top"><th scope="row">Distribute tags evenly on sphere</th>'; echo '<td><input type="checkbox" name="distr" value="true"'; if( $options['distr'] == "true" ){ echo ' checked="checked"'; } echo '></input><br />Places tags at equal intervals instead of random</td></tr>'; // end table echo '</table>'; // tags, cats? echo '<h3>Output options</h3>'; echo '<table class="form-table">'; echo '<tr valign="top"><th scope="row">Display:</th>'; echo '<td><input type="radio" name="mode" value="tags"'; if( $options['mode'] == 'tags' ){ echo ' checked="checked" '; } echo '></input> Tags<br /><input type="radio" name="mode" value="cats"'; if( $options['mode'] == 'cats' ){ echo ' checked="checked" '; } echo '></input> Categories<br /><input type="radio" name="mode" value="both"'; if( $options['mode'] == 'both' ){ echo ' checked="checked" '; } echo '></input> Both (you may want to consider lowering the number of tags , using the advanced options below)'; // end table echo '</table>'; // advanced options echo '<h3>Advanced options</h3><p>Please leave this setting empty unless you know what you\'re doing.</p>'; echo '<table class="form-table">'; // arguments echo '<tr valign="top"><th scope="row">wp_tag_cloud parameters</th>'; echo '<td><input type="text" name="args" value="'.$options['args'].'" size="60"></input><br />Parameter string for wp_tag_cloud (see the <a href="" target="_blank">codex</a> for more details)<br /><br /><strong>Example uses</strong><br />number=20 - limit the number of tags to 20<br />smallest=5&largest=50 - specify custom font sizes<br /><br /><strong>Known issues</strong><ul><li>Currently, the \'units\', \'orderby\' and \'order\' parameters are not supported.</li><li>Setting \'format\' to anything but \'flat\' will cause the plugin to fail.</li></ul></td></tr>'; // compatibility mode echo '<tr valign="top"><th scope="row">Use compatibility mode?</th>'; echo '<td><input type="checkbox" name="compmode" value="true"'; if( $options['compmode'] == "true" ){ echo ' checked="checked"'; } echo '></input><br />Enabling this option switches the plugin to a different way of embedding Flash into the page. Use this if your page has markup errors or if you\'re having trouble getting WP-Cumulus to display correctly. This affects both the shortcode version and the widget.</td></tr>'; // show regular tag in alternate content? echo '<tr valign="top"><th scope="row">Show the regular HTML tag cloud?</th>'; echo '<td><input type="checkbox" name="showwptags" value="true"'; if( $options['showwptags'] == "true" ){ echo ' checked="checked"'; } echo '></input><br />Un-hides the regular HTML tag cloud that may appear for a second or so before it is replaced by the Flash one. Turn this on if SEO and/or non-flash users are a major concern for you. This option affects both the shortcode version and the widget.</td></tr>'; // close stuff echo '<input type="hidden" name="wpcumulus_submit" value="true"></input>'; echo '</table>'; echo '<p class="submit"><input type="submit" value="Update Options »"></input></p>'; echo "</div>"; echo '</form>'; } //uninstall all options function wp_cumulus_uninstall () { delete_option('cumulus_options'); delete_option('cumulus_widget'); } // widget function widget_init_wp_cumulus_widget() { // Check for required functions if (!function_exists('register_sidebar_widget')) return; function wp_cumulus_widget($args){ extract($args); $options = get_option('wpcumulus_widget'); ?> <?php echo $before_widget; ?> <?php if( !empty($options['title']) ): ?> <?php echo $before_title . $options['title'] . $after_title; ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php if( !stristr( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'widgets.php' ) ){ echo wp_cumulus_createflashcode(true); } ?> <?php echo $after_widget; ?> <?php } function wp_cumulus_widget_control() { $options = $newoptions = get_option('wpcumulus_widget'); if ( $_POST["wpcumulus_widget_submit"] ) { $newoptions['title'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["wpcumulus_widget_title"])); $newoptions['width'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["wpcumulus_widget_width"])); $newoptions['height'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["wpcumulus_widget_height"])); $newoptions['tcolor'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["wpcumulus_widget_tcolor"])); $newoptions['tcolor2'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["wpcumulus_widget_tcolor2"])); $newoptions['hicolor'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["wpcumulus_widget_hicolor"])); $newoptions['bgcolor'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["wpcumulus_widget_bgcolor"])); $newoptions['speed'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["wpcumulus_widget_speed"])); $newoptions['trans'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["wpcumulus_widget_trans"])); $newoptions['distr'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["wpcumulus_widget_distr"])); $newoptions['args'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["wpcumulus_widget_args"])); $newoptions['mode'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST["wpcumulus_widget_mode"])); } if ( $options != $newoptions ) { $options = $newoptions; update_option('wpcumulus_widget', $options); } $title = attribute_escape($options['title']); $width = attribute_escape($options['width']); $height = attribute_escape($options['height']); $tcolor = attribute_escape($options['tcolor']); $tcolor2 = attribute_escape($options['tcolor2']); $hicolor = attribute_escape($options['hicolor']); $bgcolor = attribute_escape($options['bgcolor']); $speed = attribute_escape($options['speed']); $distr = attribute_escape($options['distr']); $trans = attribute_escape($options['trans']); $args = attribute_escape($options['args']); $mode = attribute_escape($options['mode']); ?> <p><label for="wpcumulus_widget_title"><?php _e('Title:'); ?> <input class="widefat" id="wpcumulus_widget_title" name="wpcumulus_widget_title" type="text" value="<?php echo $title; ?>" /></label></p> <p><label for="wpcumulus_widget_width"><?php _e('Width:'); ?> <input class="widefat" id="wpcumulus_widget_width" name="wpcumulus_widget_width" type="text" value="<?php echo $width; ?>" /></label></p> <p><label for="wpcumulus_widget_height"><?php _e('Height:'); ?> <input class="widefat" id="wpcumulus_widget_height" name="wpcumulus_widget_height" type="text" value="<?php echo $height; ?>" /></label></p> <p><label for="wpcumulus_widget_tcolor"><?php _e('Tag color:'); ?> <input class="widefat" id="wpcumulus_widget_tcolor" name="wpcumulus_widget_tcolor" type="text" value="<?php echo $tcolor; ?>" /></label></p> <p><label for="wpcumulus_widget_tcolor2"><?php _e('Optional second color for gradient:'); ?> <input class="widefat" id="wpcumulus_widget_tcolor2" name="wpcumulus_widget_tcolor2" type="text" value="<?php echo $tcolor2; ?>" /></label></p> <p><label for="wpcumulus_widget_hicolor"><?php _e('Optional highlight color:'); ?> <input class="widefat" id="wpcumulus_widget_hicolor" name="wpcumulus_widget_hicolor" type="text" value="<?php echo $hicolor; ?>" /></label></p> <p><label for="wpcumulus_widget_bgcolor"><?php _e('Background color:'); ?> <input class="widefat" id="wpcumulus_widget_bgcolor" name="wpcumulus_widget_bgcolor" type="text" value="<?php echo $bgcolor; ?>" /></label></p> <p><label for="wpcumulus_widget_trans"><input class="checkbox" id="wpcumulus_widget_trans" name="wpcumulus_widget_trans" type="checkbox" value="true" <?php if( $trans == "true" ){ echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?> > Background transparency</label></p> <p><label for="wpcumulus_widget_speed"><?php _e('Speed:'); ?> <input class="widefat" id="wpcumulus_widget_speed" name="wpcumulus_widget_speed" type="text" value="<?php echo $speed; ?>" /></label></p> <p><label for="wpcumulus_widget_distr"><input class="checkbox" id="wpcumulus_widget_distr" name="wpcumulus_widget_distr" type="checkbox" value="true" <?php if( $distr == "true" ){ echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?> > Distribute evenly on sphere</label></p> <p> <input class="radio" id="wpcumulus_widget_mode" name="wpcumulus_widget_mode" type="radio" value="tags" <?php if( $mode == "tags" ){ echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?> > Tags<br /> <input class="radio" id="wpcumulus_widget_mode" name="wpcumulus_widget_mode" type="radio" value="cats" <?php if( $mode == "cats" ){ echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?> > Categories<br /> <input class="radio" id="wpcumulus_widget_mode" name="wpcumulus_widget_mode" type="radio" value="both" <?php if( $mode == "both" ){ echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?> > Both </p> <p><label for="wpcumulus_widget_args"><?php _e('wp_tag_cloud parameters:'); ?> <input class="widefat" id="wpcumulus_widget_args" name="wpcumulus_widget_args" type="text" value="<?php echo $args; ?>" /></label></p> <input type="hidden" id="wpcumulus_widget_submit" name="wpcumulus_widget_submit" value="1" /> <?php } register_sidebar_widget( "WP-Cumulus", wp_cumulus_widget ); register_widget_control( "WP-Cumulus", "wp_cumulus_widget_control" ); } // Delay plugin execution until sidebar is loaded add_action('widgets_init', 'widget_init_wp_cumulus_widget'); // add the actions add_action('admin_menu', 'wp_cumulus_add_pages'); register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'wp_cumulus_install' ); register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, 'wp_cumulus_uninstall' ); if( function_exists('add_shortcode') ){ add_shortcode('wp-cumulus', 'wp_cumulus_shortcode'); add_shortcode('WP-CUMULUS', 'wp_cumulus_shortcode'); } else { add_filter('the_content','wp_cumulus_init'); } ?>